Biogas workshop in Parainenworsted knitt
Building the biogas plant

Saturday the 29th of April 2017 was a historic day. It's when (as far as we know) the first DIY biogas system in Finland was built, and I was there to make it happen!


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I am now an entrepreneurworsted knitt
Duck picture from

Well hello, let me introduce myself! I am Lumia, and I am the entrepreneur and head of the board at my new company Chase & Snow Oy! We (me and husband, the webguru and AD) make functional websites that look good and advertising materials that work for small-to-medium businesses and NGOs. All in all, we're really good at what we do and really excited about the work too!


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Jenni Selosmaa: Kukkaron kuningatar

Jenni Selosmaa: Kukkaron kuningatar

This book review is untypical as it is about a Finnish book which is not (yet) available in English. I just have some comments which I need to say kind of, so I will use my blog even though it might not interest all my readers. The book by "financial personal trainer" Jenni Salosmaa has just come out and as I love to devour all books about personal finance and especially ones for women, I of course got this from the library as soon as I could.


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Handmade twice-woven rug

Binding the ends of the woven rug

I don't think if I mentioned it earlier here but I've been going to a weaving course for a few months now. It's really cool as it is very close to where I live (unlike many things, as I now live far on the countryside) and I basically get to learn weaving and weave with my neighbours, which is fun and helps me "re-integrate" into this village also! Until now I've woven a bag (well, the fabric for a bag) and this little rug I am showing you now.


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I'm participating in the 2017 Helmet reading challenge

Books I'd like to read in 2017

Happy 2017! I don't know about you, but I don't make resolutions, I make plans for the next year, and one of those plans this year is to participate in and finish the so-called Helmet Reading Challenge. And no, it doesn't mean a helmet like the thing you wear while biking, it's the name of all the libraries of Helsinki and it also means pearls in Finnish!


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