Hot water bottle cozies

What do you know, I have many things on the needles: a pair of socks, a bag, a scarf and tunisian crochet, but of course then some bug bites me and I just have to start and finish two hot water bottle cozies in a few day's time. My only excuse is that the bottles are really new, and in need of cozies. Well, here they are.

The left one is made with scraps and ends of ToppTå Norwegian chunky yarn. I love it, and it is vert suitable for this purpose. Test report by Nick: excellent - the hot water bottle was warm after 12 hours in this cozy. Toasty!


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Jay, the Walkers are done!

I can not believe these socks are finally ready! I despised, hated them in the beginning, but after I had turned the heel on the first one (after some months of hibernating and knitting one row per week), I started taking to them.  After the first one was done, beautiful and fitting better than any sock before, I quickly did the second one (took maybe only a month...)


Monen kuukauden aherruksen jälkeen Jaywalkerit ovat viimein valmiit! Ja ihanat!

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Experimenting with eyelash

Yesterday I went to the library and decided to visit the nearby shopping centre, and wandered to a everything-for-cheap shop. Guess what I found there? You got it – novelty yarns, four balls for five euro. I resisted the urge and bought only four balls of “Shabby Chic” yarn in black; a pretty, soft eyelash yarn. With it I was planning to make a triangular funky shawl.

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