Twilight Gloaming

I can't seem to get enough of shawls! I love knitting them, love wearing them, and I love how I can use sock yarn to make them and don't have to knit the yarn with tiny 2mm needles!


This is my newest shawl FO - the Twilight Gloaming shawl (Rav link), already shortly shown at my KYH posting a few days back. As I've mentioned earlier, I am sort of a Twilight fan, or at least I really enjoyed the books and have also knit Twilight fanwear previously (like Bella's Mittens), so it's no wonder this shawl pattern insipred by Twilight immediately caught my eye. After being so lucky and have the pattern gifted to me this spring I wanted to start knitting right away. Well...


I did take the unstarted project with me to Japan in March, but didn't knit one stitch. After we got back I forgot all about it for a few months, until I started looking for a shawl project to knit on while travelling to see my in-laws in Bavaria (it's a 6 hour train ride each way) and discovered the still unstarted shawl in my knitting basket. I cast on at home before leaving and finished it during the weekend we were in Bavaria. Talk about a quick knit! Here are the specs:


Pattern: Twilight Gloaming (Rav) by Phoe M. White
Needles: 3,5 mm Knitpics circular, long!
Yarn: Zauberball Charisma sock yarn (Rav link). I used maybe 80 grams.
Modifications: I made the size small as advised - first Chart A, then B, then C, but then the pattern says to knit only the first three rows of chart D and bind off. At this point I had lots of yarn left, so I followed the instructions for the large shawl from here - I finished chart D and E before starting the edging, which I also changed. I didn't like the garter edge so much, so after finishing chart E I knit like this: knit one row (WS), *k3, yo* the complete RS row, k the WS row, BO on the RS. This gave me a little bit of the garter effect without being too heavy, and I quite like the look. At least it's unusual! Oh, and I didn't use any beads in the shawl.


I know I've said this before, but I really really like Zauberballs. They're so soft and beautiful, just perfect for shawls (I wouldn't knit sock with them though). I'll need to restock on them now - I now only have one laceweight Zauberball in flaming red in my stash. Any suggestions for the laceweight, by the way?


Last but not least, I want to draw your attention to the pictures.The dark violet is the correct colour of the yarn, the red you see in one picture is just an effect by the sun. I wanted to include the photo anyway, because a) it, too, was taken by my dearest husband Nick on our first wedding anniversary trip to Berlin (by the Eastside gallery) and b) because I think i look really nice in the picture and c) because the red effect is fun!


The first photo is also by Nick - during twilight on the roof of the hotel we stayed in during our trip. It was such a lovely view over the roofs of Berlin! And I look a bit like a lace-winged vampire, don't you think?


Twilight Gloaming
Twilight Gloaming
Twilight Gloaming
Twilight Gloaming
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