Twilight Gloaming
Nick in Miyajima wearing the Eccentric sweater

Now, do you want to see what I knit during my Japan honeymoon? Here it is. A Zauberball and the pattern for the Twilight Gloaming shawl. Progress during holiday: 0 stitches! Concidering I knit on my wedding day, that gives a strong sign that I found our holiday super interesting!


But do take a look at that second picture - looks familiar? It is Nick's Eccentric sweater! I'm so happy he liked it so much to take it along and wear it during the holiday.


Oh and a side note - as the Japan trip was one (actually the Nr. 1) biggie done from my 101 in 1001 list I've updated the list completely. I've done some great progress in some parts, and need to work a bit more on some. Feel free to comment or ask about my list or the concept!

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Oh wow, Japan! What an amazing trip that must have been. *sigh* I bet you photographed EVERYTHING lol. There'd be loads of knitty inspiration in the architecture and the romance! A perfect honeymoon destination. Glad you had a good time, and extra glad Nick wore the sweater!

first of all congratulation and happy honeymooning! may you make all of you 1001 to do's!

glad to meet another lks blogger out there!