
Sorry for the silence for the past two weeks! Maybe you'll forgive me when I tell you that I've been on my honeymoon in Japan, and frankly blogging has been the last thing on my mind!


Me and my husband had a truly wonderful trip! Here are a few impressions of the many, many things we saw and marveled at. I hope you'll give me a few days to get back on the knit blogging rhythm - I just got back yesterday and am still very much jet lagged!


The photos show:
1. Tokyo skyline
2. Shinkyo Bridge in Nikko
3. A view from the Hakone Ropecar
4. Sumo in Osaka
5. A view in Osaka City
6. Little statues from the Okunoin cemetary on mount Koya
7. Some of the beautiful cherry blossoms we saw during our trip.

Sumo in Osaka
Cherry Blossoms
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