Life of Worsted Knitt - travels, plans, gardening...

Amy Chua: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Motherworsted knitt
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother book cover

I got this book from the library yesterday evening, and devoured it last night and this morning. It made an impact on me to say the least. But let me go a few steps back first.


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Ron Mueck in Tampere

Ron Mueck sculpture

A few weeks ago me, Nick and a few friends visited the Ron Mueck exhibition in Sara Hildén art museum in Tampere. Now Ron Mueck is an artist who makes very live-looking sculptures of different sizes, and this was his first exhibition in any Nordic country, so a real must-see for a lot of people! It was really interesting, too. The sculptures come on different sizes from huge to small and are very, very true to reality.

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October impressions

Pumpkins in sunrise
Sad Uppo-Nalle
Tea in a moomin mug

It's October folks! Here are some impressions of the first Sunday in October.


I made a fire in our big fireplace to keep the house warm.


The pumpkins are enjoying the sun inside as it is now too cold for them outside and we harvested them all.


I got this adorably sad Uppo-Nalle from a flea market iin September because it moved me so much I had tears in my eyes. He since lives on our couch.


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Meet Miss Sophie

Miss Sophie

I finally managed to get decent pictures of our very lively new cat whom we have named Miss Sophie (Dinner for one, anyone?). She has been with us good two weeks now and seems to like us. She does claw places she shouldn't and ignores her clawing post completely. Any ideas what one could do to get her to claw places she should? She's not into catnip though, I tried that already. Other than that she's very lovely and cuddly and active and we like very very much already.


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A cruise with friends

On the Baltic Sea

One of the (many, many) cool things about living back in Finland is that I get to see my old friends more often. There's a group of us who have been friends since high school and this weekend we got to go on a cruise on the Baltic Sea, from Turku heading towards Stockholm. That's a fun little vacation for us Finns to make, it's not all that expensive, there's good food and drinks, plus the scenery is absolutely amazing, as the archipelago of Stockholm is really pretty and that of Turku is just breathtaking. We had suhc luck with weather too, as it was gorgeous sunny weather the whole time!

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Travel journal USA 2016 - Part 6 - "The True Cost" in Ossining

The Ossining Documentary & Discussion Series
The Ossining Documentary & Discussion Series

For my last piece in the USA 2016 travel journal I will return once more to New York State, to the town of Ossining where we attented a monthly event called The Ossining Documentary & Discussion Series. What that is is a public screening of a documentary film and a podium discussion about it and its theme afterwards.

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