New kool yarn

I played around with some more Kool Aid, and thought I'd show you the results before they go on a ball or a project even.


First one's made with two sachets Orange, one Cherry. The yarn weighed 127 grammes.

Next yarn weighs only 50 grammes, so I only used one sachet of Ice Blue, and one Grape. The grape is too heavy here I think, I was hoping for a more turqoise yarn... but I'll learn for the next time.

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One last chance for getting 5$ off a shirt

I had a competition below - help me pick a pattern and win a coupon to our shirt shop, but no one seemed to know what I should do with the yarn!


So, this is the last chance! Drop me a line, and the coupon is yours.


The gift coupon is worth 5$ and goes to our American Shirt shop where the you can order anything and get 5$ discount. Most suitable for orders from the US/Canada!


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