September sale and new hoodies at the shop

Just to let you know, I have added many new hoodies and other autumn/winter suitable items in both my main shops - for US and Canada the address is, and for Europe Go check them out.


During September there's even a sale in the US/CAN shop - free shipping on orders over 30$! Just give the code at checkout:




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An ethical question

I had an interesting discussion with a collague today, he was telling me about a vegetarian couple he knows, and that their 5-year-old is also being raised vegetarian.

Then he went on to say that people (even this kid) should be able to decide what they eat. Apparently the parents deny this kid meat also during visits to granma's etc. My collague's main argument was that kids should't be denied this kind of thing, but let them decide themselves.


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Little knits finished and on the needles, too

So, for the Sukkasato  knitalong there's finally something finished to show in - the children's lace socks (which I call Pretty socks - you can see what I mean) plus a teeny weeny pair of preemie socks for the German ongoing charity project at I have to say that ball of Regia has been plentiful - three pairs of socks from one ball!


Next, some things I'm working on for Christmas and birthday presents for my family. So if you are family - don't look!




Perheenjäsenet! Älkää katsoko "read more:n" taakse! Pilaatte jouluyllätyksenne! Muut - katsokaa ihmeessä!



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Sukkasato - Sock Harvest

I joined another fun sock knit-along Sukkasato (that's Finnish for Sock Harvest) - which runs September and October. It's Finnish, and the sign-ups are closed, so don't feel bad if you missed it. However, I especially like the fact that children's socks count, and that people are encouraged to knit for charity. I have lots of sock yarn rests, which make perfect children's socks.


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