4 things

Sinéad tagged me with this fun "4 things" list thingy, so here are my answers!


4 placed I lived in:
1. Essen, Germany
2. Dublin, Ireland
3. Berlin, Germany
4. Tampere, Finland


4 places I('d) like to come back to:
1. Home
2. My Mum's
3. Alicante, Spain
4. Berlin


4 favourite dishes:
1. Nick's pancakes
2. Vegetarian Indian dishes
3. Pasta with blue cheese and broccoli
4. My own mash-up with rice, corn and cottage cheese


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Lange Nacht der Museen in Düsseldorf

I wrote a long text about the "long night of the museums" in Düsseldorf, which we attended a few weeks ago, but it mysteriously (ok, ok, I admit, I messed up) disappeared. So instead of writing it all again, I'm just going to show you the pictures.


For info, during the long night of museums many museums, churches, galleries and exhibitions are open until 2am and there are many special happenings throughout the night.


We saw some modern art, Chinese ink drawings, short films about cinema, a remake of an old video art work "Il Nuotatore (va troppo spesso ad Heidelberg)" by Studio Azzurro and a very lovely Iranian golden peacock (see picture below).


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Corona is finally finished!

It's finally done! According to my Ravelry bookkeeping I started it in December.


Here are the stats:


Pattern: Corona by CanarySanctuary.
Needles: 4mm circulars; the main one was 80cm, plus I used another one when starting the cable panels. I can't remember how long that one was, but it's not important anyway!
Yarn: Bright red, really cheap acrylic from NKD


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