New socks

Some new socks for Sukkasato


First the bigger ones, from the rest of Lana Grossa yarn I used for the Hederas (which are also done! But not to be shown here as they are a christmas present)


Needles: 2,5mms. 40 stitches around, 4x1 ribbing.


The second pair is from small scraps I had left - they have 28 stitches around in 2x2 ribbing, made with odd needles from 2,5 mm to 3,5mms!

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Sukkasato - Sock Harvest

I joined another fun sock knit-along Sukkasato (that's Finnish for Sock Harvest) - which runs September and October. It's Finnish, and the sign-ups are closed, so don't feel bad if you missed it. However, I especially like the fact that children's socks count, and that people are encouraged to knit for charity. I have lots of sock yarn rests, which make perfect children's socks.


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Just another posting

This week has been crap. Really stressful sometimes, sometimes very boring. Haven't really been keen on knitting - well I haven't actually been interested in anything this week. I hope for better times with more motivation and strength. I did buy a Spanish self-learn course today, so I'm sure that'll get me out of this slump. And! I'm going on a short holiday in 2 weeks. Can hardly wait.


Some sock joy to share anyway: I finished the second child's sock for my cousin's son. I just need to block them now.

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Weekly socks show

Here they are! My ready Rainbow socks. They came out pretty nice, the cuff is quite a lot tighter in the other sock... but I've decided not to mind. 

I also heard that my cousin has just got a new baby, and that of course means I just absolutely must-need-have to knit her bootees, and socks for her 2-year-old big brother.


These bootees are just for practice, as I really didn't master them the first time...


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