Yarn from Finland

Happy New Year 2013! How has the new year started for you?


I have in fact finished a pair of socks (post is coming) and started a new shawl, so I am hoping the knitting mojo is finally getting back, even a bit. But as I was looking through my posts from 2012, I noticed that I have indeed been knitting this year and finished a few pretty things!


Lots has happened in 2012 with the blog and in my life:


So it hasn't been so slow knitting wise or otherwise after all! I am especially proud of my charity knitting, I truly hope I've made a difference with it.


So what do you think? I think it's been a pretty good year, but am very much looking towards 2013, hoping to make a few more challenging knits this year, perhaps also for charity.


Here's to 2013!

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