Japanese shawl

Ever heard of WIP Wednesday? As far as I've understood the idea, it's basically a blog theme for Wednesdays to, well, show off your WIPs. I have been neglecting my WIPs here for so long, so I'll try to post a WIP or two a month - on Wednesdays!


So, here's one of my current WIPs, the Japanese Feather and Fan shawl (Rav link) which I am working in Kauni yarn in black and grey tones.


The pattern is really interesting, but I'm not sure about the yarn... It's just so dark, you know? I'm just not quite sure I'll end up liking and wearing this shawl! It is fun to knit though, so I think I will knit along at least for now, and decide again after I can see how the shawl is turning out - I'm rather in the beginning at the moment.


What do you do when you notice -while still knitting- that the item might not be "your new favourite"? Do you frog it right away, let it become an UFO or just plough through it?

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I've never knit with Kauni, ive heard great things about it.
If I think I won't like a wip, I usually start thinking who would. If I think of someone, I'd gift it to them.