Tulppaani shawl
Tulppaani shawl

Like promised in my first post about this shawl, here are some better pictures of it, and some stats.


Pattern: Tulppaani shawl (link to English pattern here) from Ullaneule
Yarn: one (100g)Schoppel Zauberball in Brombeere. What a lovely, beautiful, soft sock yarn perfect for shawls!
Needles: 4 mm long circular
Modifications: I left out the last two rows, otherwise I would have run out of yarn. I don't think this modification makes any difference in the shawl.


Don't you just love the stitch pattern and the colour changes!

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Your shawl looks just great, I bet it's really comfy.
Shawl knitting seems to have become the "in" thing to knit this year, I think we're all at it! Perhaps it's just a case of great minds thinking alike :)
That yarn really is brilliant stuff, though. I must get me hands on a ball (or two)!