Handdyed socks - last FO of 2016

Handdyed socks

Happy new year! I hope you had a good Christmas season and are read for the new year? I've been working hard on my Shining life workbooks and I am very ready for the new year! It is a year of big jubilees, like Finland's 100 years of independence celebration year plus several round birthdays in my family and I have high hopes for the year. I will be posting some plans here, too, I am sure.


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Sauna Socks are finished!

Sauna socks made with orange Novita Nalle yarn

Amazing, there is an FO ready in my house!


Celebration reasons:
1) I made a pair of socks, after such a pause, and they have a pattern even!
2) I am blogging about them!


It may not seem like much to anyone, but it does symbolize something to me, this FO and the fact that I am blogging about them. It means knitting is not completely lost to me, nor is knit blogging. I still want to create with my hands and share what I've done with like-minded people and maybe even be of some help for someone.


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Amy Chua: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Motherworsted knitt
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother book cover

I got this book from the library yesterday evening, and devoured it last night and this morning. It made an impact on me to say the least. But let me go a few steps back first.


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