Today's theme of the Knitting & Crochet Blog Week is an inspirational pattern or what I still want to aspire to do as a knitter.


I'm not an advanced knitter. Intermediate, maybe. But somehow I have understood how to read a pattern, and would not be afraid to try something advanced if I had a good pattern to follow. There are beautiful, advanced knits out there I won't most likely ever knit - but not because I would believe I'm not up to it, but because they're just too time-consuming and fiddly (thinking of very fine lace with beads here).


My biggest aspiration is to develop as a designer. I would love to be able to design gorgeous lace shawls, socks, sweaters and other beautiful and wearable items that the knitters and wearers will love. I have a few patterns out already, and I am very happy with them, but I understand I have a long way to go before I'm at the level of my "designing idols" like Ysolda, Marnie McLean or Donna Druchunas.


Oh, and the tag for today's post is knitcroblo2 (search this in a search engine and you'll find many other participants of the Blog Week)

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