Squares for charity 05/2012
Squares sent

I've been really busy knitting for Knit a Square. The Knit a Squillion challenge should be over by now (I didn't find any info or stats of an "official ending" though), but the squares are still needed.


So I made about 40 of then in the first half a year of 2012. Here they all are! I actually forgot to count them before sending them off, but there should be about 40. I've used up so much yarn, scraps and lonely balls to make these squares, they are truly the best stash busting knit I know of.


These squares were sent to South Africa a few days ago, and I'm already making new squares, plus a few other little warming items to be sent. Watch this space for updates!






Squares for charity 06/2012
Squares for charity 06/2012
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