Ugly duckling socks

A while back I swapped some yarn with a friend, and obtained one of those balls of sock yarn that make you ask yourself "what was I thinking" as soon as you're home. I don't mean I don't like yellow, brown, white and blue as colours - but all of them in the same sock yarn? What was I thinking!


I gave the yarn (Peterle Strumpfwolle, a German sock yarn) a chance though, and made a pair of straight-and-simple socks with 60 stitches across.


And behold - hey turned out gorgeous! The weird looking yarn makes interesting, beautiful figures when knitted into socks. The colour combo is pretty and not ugly at all! What a transformation: that's why the socks under the working name "Ugly socks" are now called "Ugly duckling socks". Looks like giving what-was-I-thinking yarns a chance is sometimes a very, very good idea!


Have you made the same experience (or the exact opposite) - please share the story in the comments!

Ugly duckling socks
Ugly duckling socks
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This thing about sock yarn is that there's no such thing as a bad purchase. Even if the colors aren't that great, they still turn into a pair of cozy wool socks. You can't go wrong!

I think the socks looks great! I'm currently working with a skein of yarn that didn't look very attractive while it was hanked, but now that I'm knitting it, the colors look absolutely wonderful!