All in one color swap
All in one color swap

I took part in the All in One Color swap in the Ravelry Ten dollar swap group this month, and was through and through spoiled! My spoiler was Nicola from Wisconsin, and she had really though about the package - it was so great! Take a look:


First of all there was a skein of Lamb's Pride bulky wool and mohair yarn. It's so soft and I love the shade of red! But that was only the start. There were all kinds of candy which I really like like the Twix, Baby Ruths and Reese's peanut hearts - and Hershey's Kisses, which I got to taste for the first time!


There was also green jasmine tea, cranberry tea and a ginger herbal drink sachets, some Kool Aid, a spice which I can't wait to try, nail and lip balm (really good ones too - I had to try them right away).


What moved me the most was the bookmark, tough. Nicole had made it using beads recycled from the necklace she had on on her wedding day! Such a personal and meaningful gift - I was really touched. I mean, it's not something you receive every day!


Another really cool thing was that Nicole had printed out a map of America and marked where everything came from! It was really fun to look at!


All I can say is I really, really, really liked this present! Nicole had obviously stalked me very intensly as everything and I mean everything in the package met my taste. I truly loved it. Thanks so much Nicole!

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