Knit a Squillion squares
Knit a Squillion square

In August, I took on the challenge to make 25 squares for Knit a Square by the end of 2011.


Today I proudly present my (most likely the) last squares for 2011 which bring my tally up to 42 squares! I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. I've sent the first patch of squares to South Africa already and my second package is ready for sending, too.


These last 10 squares are all garter stitch with thick needles, either with thick yarn or yarn held double.


I'm tempted to make 8 more squares to reach 50, but I doubt that will happen this year.


But: these squares mean I've made my 50 Charity Items in 2011 goal! I'm so proud, I have to say! See the whole list here.
Have you been making squares?

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WOW! You've accomplished lots this year! I know that your hard work will be very well received and appreciated! Last summer, I knit 20 little dolls and sent them with my sister to Tanzania, Africa. It was a super rewarding experience! Keep up the good work!

I love charity knitting, and have done some myself. I like to knit hats for the local chemotherapy center and recently sent of three scarves to Foster Care to Success's Red Scarf Project.