Recycled bath mats

Let's say your sister gives your mum some extra-wide sheets to somehow reuse. And you happen to be around before your mum starts anything with the sheets. I don't know about you, but that sounds like bath mat making time for me! Especially as I had hoped to make one on my holiday, anyhow, and therefore had my 15 mm circular with me.


I took the sheets, a baby's bath tub to contain them and a pair of scissors and sat on a garden chair in my mum's garden, and started cutting ca. 2 cm (bit less than an inch) wide strip from the fabric. I cut, and rolled the strip into a ball, cut some more, rolled some more. The cotton sheet was easy as I could rip it, but the frottee one was more difficult as it was knit and not woven, so I had to cut it from beginning to the end.


When it started to rain, I sat on the covered porch, cutting and rolling. It took me a few days to finish ripping both huge sheets as I obviously didn't just do that all day long. It must have been just a few hours of concentrated work to finish the balls which ended up the size of huge cabbages!


I first knit the frottee one, as I had much less "yarn" for that (it was a mattress sheet, as the other one was a duvet case). I cast on 22 stitches and knit every row until the yarn was gone.


Then I made the cotton one. I cast on 25 stitches and worked in 5-stitch basketweave for seven repeats (in short: (k5,p5) x 2, k5 for 10 rows, then (p5,k5) x 2, p5 for 10 rows, repeat both two more times, then work the first section once more). I still had some yarn left, but the mat was big enough so I bound off there.


The cotton mat is about twice the size of the frottee mat. I currently have the cotton mat in our bathroom; I'll put the frottee one there this autumn, I think. My knitted old bath mat is waiting to go into the dyeing pot to cover old stains. Let's see how that works out!

Me on the bigger mat
Me on the smaller mat
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