
Last weekend (a long weekend due to Whit Monday) me and Nick went to Brussels for a little city getaway. It was brilliant! We got there on Saturday, the first WWKIP day this year, and the Brussels Stitch and Bitchers had organized a cool flashmob-type event on Grand Place, the main square in Brussels: a yarn fight!


Everyone was supposed to bring yarn balls and when they hear a whistle, start throwing them around like crazy. And that's exactly what happened! I didn't have any balls with me, but I still participated. Such fun!


In a few minutes it was over, but I'm so glad I took part. Thanks Brussels Stitchers!


After that we got to the beer tasting part with Nick :)


On Sunday we went to the Hergé museum in Nouvain-La-Neuve, and on Monday to the Atomium - and every now and then had another beer. The reviews will be coming up one after another at if you're interested in what we drank!


Monday evening we took the Thalys train back (it's less than 2 hours to Cologne!). I didn't knit at all that weekend, but to be honest I didn't miss it one bit.


Here's some info about the photos:
1. Yarn Fight
2. "
3. A Kriek beer across Manneken Pis
4. Grand Place at night
5. City view from the Atomium
6. Atomium


Can't wait for our next short trip (not planned yet, but still..!)

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I've never heard of anyone having a yarn fight! Sounds like the perfect idea to use up acrylic and novelty yarns; I'm not sure I could handle abusing any sort of animal fibers!

It was fun! As I recall, there were all kinds of yarns in the air - but the Brussels S'n'B actually untangled all the yarn and are planning on some guerilla knitting with it, as I read on Ravelry :)