Felted Catnip Mice, knit by Worsted Knitt

Kitty Knits: Projects for Cats and Their People by Donna Druchunas is a great knitting book for a cat lover! It's filled with beautiful and useful knits for cats and the cat owners. I have already knit the mouse and am impressed. Such an easy and small pattern, but very clever! Possibly the best written pattern I've ever made (not counting the first confusion about the bobble, which was to become the mouse's ear... I knit the bobble first, then started the mouse! Then I read the pattern, ripped, and started again)
What I also like about the book is that it has projects for different skill levels, and so many different styles of knits - lace, fun fur, funny, felted, colourwork... I like the diversity. Many of the patterns I will not make as they are (just not my style) but I will certainly use them for inspiration, and use the colourwork charts for different projects, I'm sure.
Right now in my queue are at least the socks, more mice, a bag with the ballet cardigan cat, and the colourwork hat. Obviously, as I'm on yarn diet, at least the socks must wait, as I have nothing appropriate in my stash to make them. All said, I really, really like this book. It's clever, reasonably priced, and just wonderful for a cat fanatic like myself! 

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