Candle from my Mum's Chritmas Tree
Scroll Lace Scarf
Cube Bag unfelted

Greetings from Finland! I spent my Christmas with my family at my Mum's and loved it. I like living abroad, but I do miss my family a lot, so being able to spend Christmas with them is always a very speial treat.


I mostly just relaxed (and ate!) while there, but I did manage to knit a few rows on my new WIP, the Scroll Lace Scarf by Ysolda. I'm already dreading the "pick up and knit 200+ stitches" part, but I think patience (and a glass of wine) will get me there eventually! I'm working the scarf with Elsebeth Lavold's Hempathy yarn, which I received as a random act of kindness a while back. I only have two balls, I sure hope that's enough!


After returning home on Wednesday I've also managed to finish my new pattern-to-be prototype, which I call the Cube Bag! It just needs to be felted now - watch this space for the FO!


It's almost time to start celebrating the New Year's Eve and the new year itself. I might even contemplate a few new years resolutions around knitting! Are you planning on any resolutions, maybe related to knitting, too? On a side note, is there anything you'd like to see or read on next year? I'd love to hear your suggestions!


Anyhow, I wish you a very good start into the new year and hope to see you here often in 2011 as well!

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