Book reviews on all kinds of books - knitting books, novels, fact and fiction.

Jenni Selosmaa: Kukkaron kuningatar

Jenni Selosmaa: Kukkaron kuningatar

This book review is untypical as it is about a Finnish book which is not (yet) available in English. I just have some comments which I need to say kind of, so I will use my blog even though it might not interest all my readers. The book by "financial personal trainer" Jenni Salosmaa has just come out and as I love to devour all books about personal finance and especially ones for women, I of course got this from the library as soon as I could.


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Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Book Reviewworsted knitt
Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Book Review

I have been into the minimalist culture, simple life and decluttering for many years now, and have read lots and lots of books, blog posts and articles on these subjects. So when the KonMari hype started, I decided I wanted to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing , too.

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Amy Dacyzyn: The Complete Tightwad Gazette

The Complete Tightwad Gazette

If you are into a frugal lifestyle or saving money at all, I am sure you have heard of Amy Dacyczyn and her book The Complete Tightwad Gazette. In the early nineties, she published a newsletter The Tightwad Gazette, and this book is a compilation of all those newsletters, filled with frugal advice, articles and tips on how to save money with everything you do.


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Vickie Howell: AwareKnitsworsted knitt

Last autumn I suddenly remembered my love for the band Green Day and went to see them in concert even. For a while I felt like the fangirl I used to be 10 years ago - it felt fantastic! So when I learned that Billie Joe's wife Adrienne Armstrong is a knitter and has made a book with Vickie Howell, and learned that the book will be concentrating on ecologically conscious knitting (something very close to my heart), I just had to get the book!


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Eike Wenzel et al. - Greenomicsworsted knitt

After my last book review about child prostitution I decided to present a book that doesn't have anything to do with the darker sides of our society. It's another book currently only available in German, but I would suggest it will be translated at some point. It's a new book, published in 2008 and it's called "Greenomics".


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Cathrin Schauer: Kinder auf dem Strichworsted knitt

The problem with living in Germany and being a patron to the local library, and blogging in English is that I get to read really interesting books - which are available only in German. I usually then just leave them be and blog about something else, but recently I've read two books which I really want to write a review about. Maybe they will one day be translated, or you will get interested in the theme and find some books on the issues in English / your own language.


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