Endpaper mitts

Why endless? Let's just say these were my September small item!


I've been wanting to make these mittens for a long time, ever since I saw Lien working on them some years ago when we both lived in Dublin. So I packed them as one of my 2008 "small items club from stash" and started working on them last September. Boy were they slow to knit! It felt like I knit and knit and knit and have finished a few rows only. I even took them to work one day and knit through a telephone conference! Somehow I did manage to finish them in the end, and I do like them a lot. But I doubt I'll be taking on small gauge colourwork projects on in the near future!


Pattern: Eunny Jang's Endpaper Mitts
Needles: 2mm dpns for the ribbing, 3mms for the colourwork
Yarn: Regia sock yarn, less than 50 grams of each red and orange
Modifications: none, except one by accident: I only have the seam stitch on one side! I misread the instructions and only have the purl "seam" line on the thumb side of the mitten! I just call it a "personal touch" and am happy with it!


The mittens have a really long cuff, which is sometimes nice and sometimes a bit annoying, having to pull them up all the time. The mitts are really snug for me, so I have to wear them on my skin rather than pull them over sleeves. That's ok, but they do itch a little sometimes. I use the mitts at work and they really are warm and also cushion the hand a bit due to the double thickness.


I think if I were to make these again I would make them one size larger and one cuff repeat shorter.

Endpaper mitts
Endpaper mitts
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they are very nice even if they did take forever! love the yarn. happy new year to you also. after a very busy summer and fall, i am getting back to reading and writing blogs. hope you are well.