Adult booties
Himalaya booties

I'm back! I hope you all had a great Christmas?


I'll see if I'll post some pictures from Paris, but first I'll just show you some of the Christmas presents and a pair of funny socks I made.


The green adult booties are for my sister and her husband. The pattern is by Ysolda, and they're so quick and easy I decided to make them as presents this year. I already had one pair ready from October so I had good choice trying to figure out which booties had the best size for the gift receivers!


The booties are knit with vintage superwash wool held double on 5mm needles. The smaller pair is European size 39-40, and the bigger one should fit a foot quite a lot bigger! They took approximately 100 grams of yarn per pair, and that's held double! Really nice.


The yellow and red socks were a fun little knit I did a while back. They're called Dzonba, the Himalayan slipper, and the pattern is downloadable on Ravelry for free. I used some leftover sock yarn (Regia Nation Colour in Spain) and 2,5mm needles. I first thought of giving them as a present as well, but I seamed the back in such an ugly manner that I didn't have the nerve to give them away! I don't really need slippers, but I guess I'm stuck with them, unless I redo the seam *shudder* !

Himalaya booties
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