Phil Williams' Permaculture farm
Keppy's farm in Huntingdon
Aero Towergardens
Wimpy & Dees Diner
Pennsylvania views

Welcome to Part 2 of my travel journal through the East Cost of the US in March 2016! This post will be all about Pennsylvania.


We stayed at a collagues place for a week in Chester County but boy did we get to see Pennsylvania! We took day trips almost every day and even an overnight trip to Huntingdon which is in the middle area of Pennsylvania! I can't possibly show all the pictures of the places we saw, so here are some highlights!


First you see the permaculture farm of Phil Williams, who is a permaculture designer and teacher and really lives the principles on his own property. It might not look like much in March but believe me, it was so inspirational to see someone really doing it and getting food out of it! He has so many wonderful young trees growing, chickens, ponds, solar power... as I want to venture into permaculture design myself too, it was motivating to see that it does work in real life, in temperate climates too.


The second picture is from our trip to Huntingdon to visit yet another biogas colleague Keppy (I must mention, pretty much all of these colleagues became friends on this trip!) Keppy, who owns a little farm and businesses in the area had the loveliest cabin in the woods as well as many sweet animals such as this stable cat (not pictured are the donkeys, horses, chicken, turkeys...) I loved the place, it was a wonderful experience to drive up to the mountains and spend time with friends in nature.


What you see in the third picture are vertical indoor aeroponic gardens at Aero Gardens full of delicious lettuce (I know, we bought & ate some!). They have huge greenhouses full of these towers full of produce. It was a green wonderland! Many of the people we met had these systems at home in a smaller scale and I am really impressed by what you can grow in a small space and indoors with them. This idea goes into my mental basket of maybe-me-too ideas!


We got to visit some diners, and Wimpy and Dees was definitely the best, as it was styled in 50's style! Unfortunately we were very full while visiting (we had been treated to ice cream just before, how awful! There'll be a separate post on that!) so we only had some coffee and muffins, but it was worth the visit!


Last but not least, a typical view we saw out of the car window while driving through the state - fields, farms and wide skies!


That was the second part, in Part 3 prepare to meet some of the lovely dogs I met on our trip!

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