Christmas 2009 stitchmarkers
Birch forest stitchmarkers
Happy Day stitchmarkers

There are still more stitch markers I'd like to offer you! I hope you like them.


If you'd like to buy a set or two just leave your email address and a note which ones you'd like in a comment. I'll remove your email from the comment once I've answered you. However, if you'd prefer not posting your email you can use the contact form (see right sidebar).


The prices for the following stitch markers (including postage):
Germany 6e


For EU, US and other countries it won't make any sense to send just one set of these markers, as they are thicker than your nomal markers and will cost a fortune to send. If you'd like to buy two or more sets (or a shirt or a bag from, the postage will become more reasonable. Please leave your contact details and we'll work something out!


You can use PayPal or pay by SEPA-transaktion to my German bank account (this only works in EU).


All stitch markers will fit needles up to 6mm / US size 10. The stitch markers come in a beautiful organza pouch.
Christmas 2009 stitchmarkers
These are my Christmas 2009 markers! Made in Christmas colours, they remind me of Christmas tree ornaments. It's a set of four, two in red and green, two in green and decorated red/gold.


Birch forest stitchmarkers
The second set is called Birch Forest, as the light green pearls remind me of the birch woods in early summer in my childhood home town in Finland. This is a set of five stitch markers.
Happy Day stitchmarkers
Last but definately not least the true feel-good stitch markers in happy orange - I call them Happy Day stitch markers because the colour is so delightful and the cube formed main pearls (except for the fifth, which is oval) are so pretty!

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