Halde Hoheward Slagheap

Today was the first really cold day here. That made me think it's high time to post this little article about a day trip we did late August. Tt was a really nice weather so we did a little local excursion on both days (read post on trip to Duisburg Landscape Park here).


On Sunday, even though it was over 30 degrees Celcius, which is really hot, and full sun, we decided to head over to Halde Hoheward (that is, the Hoheward slagheap) in Herten. If you don`t know what a slag heap is, it's a a man-made mound or heap formed with the waste material (slag) as a by-product of coal mining. In the Ruhr area there are several of them, and they have been made into green areas where you can go for walks, biking, flying a kite and so on.


The Hoheward one is the biggest one in Europe, and yes, it did feel like it too! We climbed and climbed, and on the top it took us at least a half an hour just to walk around the top! In the hot sun it was quite tiring, but I loved it as it must have been one of the last really hot summer days around here this year.


On the top of Hoheward there is a sky observatory, which is what you can see in the picture. Can't you just feel the heat of the sun in that picture!

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