Lila hat

Oh my, I've had a long pause in blogging! There are two reasons for that mainly


1. I've been really really busy and
2. I haven't been knitting


You may not know it, but I play the theatre (not professionally but on a very high amateur level), and we had our opening night on the 17th of January. Before that, you can imagine, we had practice every other evening and after that I have been playing once or twice a weekend. I's been quite a lot to handle, and I am really happy to have a two week pause in playing now.


What that probably won't change though is my not knitting. I just seem to have lost my mojo. I do have a few WIPs on the needles, but I don't seem to reach for them, at all. But I've decided not to force it - if the mojo decides to come back, I'll be back on knitting in a split second! But if not, then not. We'll have to see.


To make this post a bit more colorful I am reposting a picture of a hat I knit last year. I was planning on donating it, but ended up getting it from the donation pile and putting it in my hat basket. I just felt I need some more color there and as I didn't really have anywhere to donate it anyway, it's now brightening my day instead.


How's your knitting going?

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