The cowl

Now this is an interesting knit which started as something else than it finally ended up being! It's another one of my older knits I never got round to blogging about before.


As you can see it's a cowl, but in fact I started it as a shawl or a stola in fact. I wanted to make a wide, long shawl - with 15 grams of yarn. I got maybe half of the length done with that amount and thought about what to do next. Order more yarn? I wasn*t sure I would be able to get any more, and I was honestly full of the pattern already. Rip the thing up? Noooo! So I bound off and sewed the thing into a tall, round cowl-like knit.




The yarn is 100% linen yarn, I would say fingering weight, and the pattern is called Strangling Vine Lace scarf. I heavily increased the number of stitches for the wider look. The whole thing was knit on 4 mm needles.


It's gorgeous really, but somehow I haven't been using it much. Wonder why that is? Come spring, perhaps that will change too.


My next post will be about my new (well, old, but new to me) sewing machine!

Strangling vine stitch
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