Yorn Boutique Alpaca

Phew! I'm almost through documenting all the yarns my friend gave me a week or so ago when she decided she's not going to knit anymore! Look at my previous posts to see it all. In this post I'll show the alpaca and angora yarns, plus the loot I am going to give my Mum.


First let me show you the five 20 gram balls of wine red alpaca yarn. It's not very soft actually but feels more like mohair. Not sure what I will be making with this yarn yet.


The same goes for the amazingly soft angora yarn by Ergee International in black. I alreday have some bright pink angora in my stash - perhaps now I'll have enough to make something luxuriously soft for myself.


And there we have it! That's the stash I'm keeping for myself. In the last picture you can see the loot I am giving my Mum - I think it's almost half of the whole lot. There are wool blends, alpaca, mohair, cotton blends... I hope she'll like it.


That's all folks! What do you think of my new stash enhancements?

Ergee International Angora
My Mum's loot
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