Small cowl
Big cowl

Remember when I told you that items knitted with i-cord seem to be in after I saw them again and again at the H+H craft fair?


The funny thing is that's exactly how I knit a few weeks back!


The story goes like this: a friend of mine had bought a knitting mill for some reason, and I had loads and loads of sock yarn scraps. Somehow we got talking on one of our Monday night knitting meetups, and she promised to borrow me the mill.


She did, and the next week I curbed and curbed and indeed made over 200 grams of scraps into 4-stitch i-cord. I sewed the different colours together to make one hugely long i-cord and started knitting it with my 15 mm circular needles.


I first made a scarf, but it was just too thick and ugly, so I frogged it and started the bigger cowl. I originally thought there'll be only enough yarn for one cowl, but as the first one was already looking good and I still had loads of i-cord left, I bound off and cast on the second one. It turned out much smaller, but still suitable for an adult neck.


These are made with sock yarn scraps, so they are very, very colourful. I don't mind though! I think a bit (ok, an assload) of colour cheers up any day. The cowls are very sturdy and warm and I'm sure I'll be using the bigger one often next autumn. The smaller one has already been given away as a present!

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