Mexico Colour socks
TicoTico socks

A friend of mine asked me to make her a pair of socks. She told me the size and her wishes, and added "they can be just as bright and multicoloured as you'd like".


A while after that I came across the yarn Mexico Color by Schoeller + Stahl in bright pinks, neon greens, purples, greys and I don't know what else, and I instantly thought of my friend. Would socks made with this yarn be too colourful for her? Well, I made a pair of socks with the yarn and brought them to her - and she loved them! So I guess no sock yarn can ever be too multicoloured!


The socks are size 39, they were knit on 2,5mm dpns with 60 stitches around. The pattern is just 2x2 ribbing, which goes all the way through to the toe. The heel is a basic heel flap (the only one I know by heart).


The second pair of socks you see here is much more decent, and really pretty too. I call them Sea Socks, and I think you can see why! These socks were knit with Finnish sock yarn called Tico Tico, a lovely yarn which has sadly now been discontinued, at least that's what I've heard. It's a shame, as I would have liked some more of it. The yarn itself is basic fingering weight sock yarn, but the colours are really pretty, and the ball construction is great! It's wound in a way I haven't seen in a sock yarn ball previously, and it worked lovely.


Anyhow, these socks are size 39-40, too, and knit with the same set of needles as the Crazy pink socks. There are 64 stitches around, the cuff is made with 2x2 ribbing but the foot is plain. I'm undecided if I should keep these socks myself (I do have loads of handknit socks already though!) or should I give them to charity. There's no hurry to decide though so I'll leave them in my FO basket for a while longer.


Have you been knitting socks lately?

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