Japan - a goal reached

On 11th of April, 2009 I posted a list of 101 goals I wanted to reach during the next 1001 days. And behold, on the 2nd of January 2012 these 1001 days were through. Such a long but still such a short time - about 2,5 years.


Throughout the years I kept coming back to these goals, and actually finished the majority of them. I updated the list (see it here) the last time a few days ago, and here are the results:


Reached: 52+4 (from bubbling under list)
Abandoned officially: 4
Partly reached of failed: 45+2


Makes a ratio of 52/49! Successful - with a small difference, but still!


Anyhow, I know a few of the failed goals were most likely successful, too, but I just didn't document them accordingly. I'm for example pretty sure I've read over 100 books, but just forgot to write them down before I took them back to the library and forgot their names for good.


Some goals I abandoned as they became unrelevant or didn't interest me anymore. Take spinning - I tried, and decided it was not for me, and so the goal was abandoned.


There are a lot of goals I did want to reach and didn't. That's why I'm making a new 101 in 1001 list for the next years. It's almost complete, so watch this space! I'll be posting it in the next few days (plus a separate list for knitting resolutions 2012!)

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I like the idea of spreading a large list of goals over time! It's a totally different approach than most of us take, setting them at each new year. It seems like a more realistic approach!