
On the 8th of January 2011 I made a list of Knitting Resolutions for 2011 (see the original post here). I haven't forgotten about them, nor abandoned them, but actually made some progress on them!


See for yourself:


1. When obtaining yarn, focus on ecological, reclaimed, and / or second hand yarns.
Well, I didn't rock this resolution, but I did decent. I've made some t-shirt yarn of my own, and received a lot of second hand yarns this year. When I bought yarn, though, I didn't really think of the ecological aspect.


2. Knit a sexy thing
I knit a pair of hotpants!


3. knit a Drupal hat
I missed this goal


4. knit a linen shawl
I started it, but haven't finished yet!


5. knit real gloves and
I missed this goal


6. knit a skirt
I knit a Lanesplitter skirt!


My main goal was to
7. Knit 50 things for charity.
And I did! I finished 53 charity items in 2011, an accomplishment I am very very proud of!


Did you make any resolutions on New Years 2011 and how did you do with them? I've made a new list and will be posting it shortly.

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