Orange knee socks

Can you see why I call these the Lighthouse Socks? Even in dim light, they shine like a lighthouse! Made with self-dyed yarn (with Kool Aid), they really "stick out".


As I had two balls á 50 grams, I wanted to make the socks as long as possible, I chose the toe-up method. I used a generic toe-up pattern, but I can't remember what it was called!


It wasn't groundbreaking, though: I "figure 8" casted on 11 stitches and increased every other round at the sock's edges until I had 60 stitches. I then knit plain to the heel, which was a short row heel. The pattern claimed it would be a "simple no-fuss, no-w&t, no holes" heel. Ha! Either I misunderstood or the heel is crappy. The pick-ups on the knit side were fine, but the ones on purl side are full of ... holes.


It was a bit disappointing, but I knit on anyway, thinking I might flick the holes later on. I continued with 60 stitches for 10 cm more, then I started increasing at the back - two stitches every 6 rows, until I had about 74 stitches (= a good fit around my calf).


I then continued with 74 stitches until the yarn started to run out. I changed to k1, p1 rib and did that for ca. 7 cm for a very long cuff, which can be turned over, too.


The yarn wasn't quite enough for knee socks, but these are high enough to be worn with my boots, which was the idea in the first place.


I haven't flicked the holes on the heel, let's see if I can ever be bothered. I'm just so happy the socks are done - they sat in my WIP pile for a long long time as I was planning all kinds of patterns to work on the leg. Finally I realized I was just giving myself a lot of stress trying to push a design out; stress I really don't need! So I let the designing be and made myself a pair of pretty, orange socks.

Orange knee socks
Orange knee socks
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