Picture: UNAMID - Albert Gonzalez Farran / www.albertgonzalez.net

It's time for another Darfur Friday.


The genocide in Darfur is not over, and we cannot forget the people who are fighting for their lives and the right to live in the areas they call home.


That's why I've put together a little list of four simple ideas on how you help Darfur NOW:


1. Educate yourself, read what's going on. BBC has a good, even though somewhat outdated Q&A on Darfur on its website. DarfurianVoices offer real, current and relevant information about the conflict.


2. Tell President Obama to Make the Right Decision on Sudan


3. Make an individual or family donation to humanitarian, human rights, or advocacy organizations (like Doctors Without Borders, or World Food Programme, or in Germany Darfur Hilfe).


4. Stay informed by joining the SaveDarfur mailing list


All very simple ideas that take very little time - why won't you try one or two?

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Instead of turning a blind eye to acts of rape, torture, and ruthless killing, this new film Attack on Darfur demands your eyes to be duct taped open and burns images in your head that are hard to forget. This film NEEDS to be seen if you’re serious about doing something to stop the terrible things going on in Darfur.