Girl in Mali - Photo by Julien Harneis

Thanks everyone for participating in this action! We managed to get a small sum together to help these girls in need!


Prolonged until 17th October!


There are many issues close to my heart in this world, and FGM (female genital mutilation) is one of the most terrible ones I can think of. That's why I'm starting this little action - I hope you can participate by donating (possible only in Germany / to a German bank account), tweeting or sharing this post in any other way, or educating yourself about FGM.


Plan Germany's is currently calling for donations for its campaign in Mali to stop FGM. Over 90 % of Mali girls are "circumcised", an operation not to be compared to the male circumcision. Internationally FGM is seen as a violation of human and children's rights, in Mali and several other (mostly African) countries it is still seen as a very important part of the local tradition. Plan has been working in Mali on this for several years, and because of the good results they have decided to continue with this program.


Now, my German readers, is the time for action! Please donate to this very worthy cause, the bank details are


Plan International Deutschland e.V.
Deutsche Bank
Konto 061281202
BLZ 200 700 000
Stichwort: "Mädchen vor Beschneidung schützen"


or you can donate through the Plan website as well.


As a little incentive to donate I will send a set of stitch markers (2-5 markers) to anyone who donates 20 euro or over to this cause!


Just donate through the Plan website or directly to the account and leave me a comment here on with info on how much you donated, your contact details (at least email and blog address if you have one, they of course won't be published in the blog!), note of your favourite colours and if I may use your name/nickname/blog address in the list of donators in my blog.


This action will go on the whole of September! Let's share from what we have for girls in need!


Please take action now to help the Mali girls - if you can't donate, please at least share the message on Facebook, Twitter or whatever social network you may use, or even in your knitting group! Thanks for participating!

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