Eccentric sweater
Eccentric sweater

The sad sweater you read about a while back is sad no more - it's done and gorgeous!


Now this is a truly modular sweater. Part top-down, part bottom-up, part both: one sleeve is top-down, one bottom-up and still I had to rip and reknit both cuffs as they were too short (like the hem, too). I'm so proud of myself not giving up on this project; I didn't even want to at any point!


Here are the stats:
Pattern: hmm... it started as a Incredible Custom-Fit Raglan abd then transformed itself into a Seamless Raglan Sweater by Elizabeth Zimmermann!
Needles: 7mm 80 cm circular
Yarn: Eve from Lang, in black (code 035), orange (075) and turqoise (078). With all the ripping and having to throw pieces of yarn away I must have used close to 700 grams of yarn, even though the sweater itself is somewhat lighter.
Other notes: The body has 120 stitches, the sleeves at armpit have 42 and 32 at the cuff.


My husband loves it, and I love how it looks on him, so this turned out to be a happy project after all. I originally wanted to write a pattern for this, but we'll see about that! If I do write it up, I promise to choose either top-down or bottom-up!


Would you like to see a pattern for this type of sweater, or at least detailed pattern notes?

Eccentric sweater
Eccentric sweater
Eccentric sweater
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