Even during the move and all the hassle I have been knitting some socks.


* Muutto oli rankka, mutta sain sentään jonkin verran neulottua sen aikana - lähinnä sukkia. * 


First, I had to finish the socks for Nick's mom, which I started in May and planned to give her for her birthday in August. However Nick went to visit his parents this weekend, so the socks had to be ready by Thursday. I actually finished them very quickly after I got the inspiration. The first sock wasn't very exciting for some reason - maybe because I've knit this pattern before and the fascination of something new wasn't present. The second was more fun.


The yarn was gorgeous! It's alpaca sock yarn from Fyberspates , and obviously very expensive, but well worth it. Nick's mom loves warm socks, so these should be perfect for her.

Pattern: Bed socks from Knitting vintage socks -book. Yarn, as mentioned, alpaca sock yarn (I can't find the exact details anymore). Needles: 3 mm dpns.


* Nämä sukat ovat syntymäpäivälahjaksi Nickin äidille. Synttärit ovat vasta elokuussa, mutta laitoin ne nyt jo Nickille mukaan, kun hän sattui olemaan menossa vanhemmilleen tänä viikonloppuna. Sukat ovat alpakka-sukkalankaa, ja malli on Nancy Bushin Bed socks hieman muunneltuna (pohjan tein k3 x p3, enkä valepalmikkoa).* 


The second FO are the Carolina socks.

These were not so fun as I hoped, not because the pattern was bad or anything, they just didn't rock my boat this time. Therefore, I finished them too early and they became really small. Luckily my cousin has very small feet, so she got them and even seemed to like them!


Yarn: Regia Arctic. Pattern: Carolina by Gigi Silva/Momma Monkey. Needles: 2,5 mm dpns. 


* Sain myös Carolina-sukat valmiiksi. Nämä eivät olleet kovin kivat tehdä syystä tai toisesta, mutta tulihan tehtyä! Annoin ne serkulleni, koska niistä tuli kovin pienet. *


Then some new socks:

* Vielä jokusia sukkia on työn alla: *


These are Jaywalkers for Nick and these are my own 'design'.


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